Here you will find some resources relevant to the Kosmic Gnostic meta-current. Links to the Resource-pages of affiliated currents are given below.
- David Beth. Labyrinthos. Theion Publishing: Scheduled 2020.
- Gunnar Alksnis. Chthonic Gnosis: Ludwig Klages and his Quest for the Pandaemonic All. Theion Publishing: 2015.
- David Beth. “Supreme Katabasis: Kaivalya and the Kosmic Gnosis”. Published on this website in March 2016. Originally published in: Craig Williams. Cave of the Numinous. Tantric Physics, Vol. I. Theion Publishing: 2014.
- Jessica Grote. The War in Heaven and The Mysterium of the Soul: Approaching David Beth’s Kosmic Gnosis. Published on Phalanx, September 2017.
“Sorcerous Gnosis of the Living All” – Recording of David Beth’s talk at the 3rd Western Mystery Conference, Austin, Texas, Oct. 2014. Artwork (c) by Jon Witzky.
Links to Resources for affiliated currents
La Société Voudon Gnostique: Resources (Opens in a new tab/window)